I just went 30 days without ejaculating, and it improved literally every aspect of my life.

This is my story…

And yes that’s me on top of the waterfall. I had amazing sex without ejaculating just 5 minutes before that photo was taken, and in that moment I felt incredible.

Semen retention for the win!!

No ejaculation for 30 days - semen retention benefits by TaylorJohnson

You’ve probably heard of NoFap, Semen Retention and maybe even sexual energy transmutation. You might even be considering trying something like this yourself.

I’m writing this so you can know what to expect if you choose not to ejaculate for an extended period of time. And specifically so you can know what preparations and actions you should take so you can get the greatest results. For context:

Here’s what these 30 days sexually looked like for me:

    • Regular sex with my girlfriend
    • Regular masturbation
    • Zero porn
    • Zero blue balls
    • Multiple non-ejaculatory orgasms
    • Zero ejaculations

Let’s get to it…


Days 1, 2 and 3 – Refractory Period

(Day 1 was the first day after I had an ejaculatory orgasm).

Most people think the refractory period lasts about 15 minutes after an ejaculation, but the truth is the physiological and neurochemical effects of ejaculation last for days.

From a biological and evolutionary perspective, when you ejaculate, you “complete” your body’s primary objective of being alive – to procreate and keep the species alive. This ejaculatory orgasm releases a flood of hormones and neurotransmitters that tell your body to relax. Mission complete. Chill out and take it easy.

That’s fine, and it can be beautiful to relax into this, but this relaxed state is not a state of peak performance.

Think about it…

if the impact of an ejaculation lasts for days, and most men ejaculate multiple times per week, logic would argue that most men are living in a state of non-peak performance. This is why a lot of the nofap community talks about brain fog.

During these first few days I experienced lower sexual desire, lower passion, less motivation, less mental clarity and less zest for life in general. This would have been fine if I was on vacation, but during these days I really wanted to be on point. I also noticed that I was more irritable than usual. More distractible, and less confident.

I didn’t have sex during these 3 days – I was in a long-term relationship at the time, and whenever I ejaculated during sex with my girlfriend, I usually didn’t want sex for a few days after.

These first three days were relatively anticlimactic… :p

Days 4-7 – Return to Baseline

My energy levels increased, and my sexual desire came back.

The fog of ejaculation hangover lifted, and I felt an increase in clarity, motivation and passion for life. My creative fire returned, and all sorts of business and collaborative ideas came flooding in.

Turns out there’s actually some scientific evidence to support why this could happen too. Apparently, testosterone levels increase for the 7 days after ejaculating. This peaks on the 7th day with a 45.7% increase in testosterone.

I had sex two times during these days – it was beautiful, pressure-free sex. I didn’t have to focus on not ejaculating and retaining my semen because the “pressure to ejaculate” hadn’t really built up yet (in part because of the Tantric, Taoist & physical practices I was doing).

These are the daily practices I did during these 30 days:

    • Daily Sexual Qigong for at least 10 minutes
    • Cardio at least 3 times per week (running, or bike riding)
    • a 1.5 hour yoga class at least once per week
    • Weight training at least twice per week
    • Meditation 3x week for 20 minutes minimum

Why all that?

Because it feels good, AND because when you go for an extended period of days without ejaculating, it’s not enough just to not ejaculate. You’ll have to do something to integrate the build up of energy into your body so it doesn’t drive you mad – especially if you’re used to ejaculating multiple times per week. This will make or break your semen retention practice.

Most men who try the practice of semen retention experience major benefits in the first 7 days. Don’t believe me? Check out the semen retention results data from my own small study.

Try it for yourself with my FREE 7-day Semen Retention Challenge below. You’ll feel different 7 days from now, and you’ll be armed with the tools you need to practice semen retention in a healthy and powerful way.

Over 5,000 men have gone through this… with amazing results:

Take My Free 7-Day Semen Retention Challenge

And experience the powerful benefits of this practice for yourself. Commit to not ejaculating for 7 days, and I’ll send you daily lessons & techniques to build and harness your sexual energy for the next 7 days.

*(Check for a confirmation email).

*(Check your email to confirm).

Days 8-11 – Major Benefits & Major Challenges

I experienced a massive upgrade in my life clarity & vision during this time.

It felt amazing, like my life force came back online. Also, women seemed more attracted to me… I noticed that people in public started to notice me more too. It was as if I was emanating or radiating something that they were drawn to.

A lot of energy built up inside me – and the practices of yoga, qigong, meditation and physical exercise felt crucial to my survival. These practices were the pressure release valve that allowed me to thrive.

If I didn’t do those practices, my excess energy would have built up into overly-charged aggression and frustration. This happens, and it’s one of the dangers of semen retention. Think of the guys you’ve seen online who say they haven’t ejaculated in a long time, but their eyes are popping out of their heads and they seem overly agro. The danger is real.

On top of that, if I didn’t do the practices i named earlier, there was the danger of reigniting my old porn addiction too. At bare minimum there was a danger of creating a scenario where I was hyper-focused on any kind of sexual activity or fantasy. This happens to a lot of guys too when the attempt any kind of semen retention or nofap journey.

Sex became more challenging during these days.

Why? Because my body had a strong urge to ejaculate. I had to be on point with my sexual energy circulation practice during sex, and I had to ask my girlfriend to pause a number of times so I wouldn’t go over the edge.

For context, if this is the first time you’re reading anything of mine, you might not know that I used to struggle with premature ejaculation. It was a serious enough problem for me that I even avoided women because I was afraid of being the guy who came too quickly. (Because that’s what would happen).

During days 8-11, every time I had sex I immediately followed up with exercises to avoid blue balls (like qigong, yoga, testicular massage etc…). And I’m happy to say that I didn’t experience blue balls once during these 30 days.

If you want to avoid blue balls (epididymal hypertension), which is one of the main negative effects of an imbalanced semen retention practice, enroll in my free 7-day semen retention challenge that I mentioned above. You’ll get a mini guide on everything you need to know.

Days 12-15 – Everything Intensified

I had more energy, more clarity, and more drive, AND my physical urge to ejaculate increased too.

When I had sex or self-pleasured I had to be VERY careful to not come close to the point of no return (ejaculation point), because the pressure was high.

There was too much energy in my system. Qigong, yoga and every tantric sex technique I had ever learned wasn’t enough to integrate this energy. I needed to release, but ejaculation wasn’t an option because I was committed to going for 30 days.

The only thing that worked for me was intense, daily physical exercise (going on an intense run or lifting weights at the gym or both).

These days felt like work. They weren’t easy.

This was the first time in my life I had gone for 30 days without ejaculating, and it felt like a lot, but I was committed. *(Since writing this originally, I have gone a month without ejaculating multiple times).

Day 16-20 – The First Big Wins

My life purpose became more clear, and it integrated into my body in a way I had never experienced before.

I literally felt my life purpose in my body as physical sensation. (This is what a lot of people mean when they talk about the spiritual benefits of semen retention or nofap).

It felt amazing.

It was like an internal compass that guided me through every moment of my day. It steered me away from situations that would have drained my energy, and towards situations that supported my life vision. This wasn’t an intellectual thing, I felt this in my body. The positive effects were massive.

And remember, this only happened because I was doing daily practices to integrate the build up of sexual energy. Those practices came with their own physical benefits too, that added to the overall health benefits I was getting from not ejaculating.

Interestingly, I received a huge job opportunity during this time that would have earned me somewhere around $10,000 (I used to be a full time professional photographer & filmmaker). Long story short, I didn’t take the job because it didn’t feel aligned with my purpose, passion and mission.

If I hadn’t been retaining my semen during this time, and doing all of the practices I’ve mentioned above, I would almost certainly have taken this job out of scarcity mindset. Turning down this job was a pivotal life moment for me…

Sex became easier…

And way more fun too. My sexual pleasure increased, and my overall sex life improved too. My sexual response system was finally realizing that ejaculation wasn’t the goal of sex.

It’s one thing to intellectually know this, but it’s another thing to actually feel this in your body. Before trying this 30-day experiment, I had never fully understood how good this could feel. There was a turning point for me, somewhere around day 16… It was like a switch being flipped, where this new kind of non-ejaculatory sexual experience become the new normal.

During these days I didn’t have that same build up of sexual pressure that I felt at the end of the second week… This energy was finally integrating into my body, and it felt amazing.

Days 21 – 29 – THE Big Win

I experienced a major shift in how my body & mind dealt with the excess energy I had from not ejaculating.

Instead of feeling like there was too much energy in my system, the extra energy naturally integrated into my body, mind and spirit. It brought me increased power, clarity, confidence, creativity and drive. It was like getting the flashing golden star in Super Mario Brothers, except the good news was that IT KEPT GOING.

Literally everything in my life was better.

My body felt strong, my spirit felt alive, and my mental health was on point. I experienced deep ease, peacefulness, vibrance, clarity, power, purpose, integrity, connection and presence in levels I haven’t experienced before.

I felt alive in a new way.

It was incredible.

From day 20 to day 30, sex was wild.

Everything from soft sensual lovemaking to f*cking like wild animals. The pleasure was off the charts, and I didn’t have to work hard to avoid the point of ejaculation because the sexual pleasure was starting to spread through my entire body on autopilot. This is where some of the non-ejaculatory orgasms started to happen.

I still had to do Sexual Qigong and Yoga, but my body was starting to exist in a fundamentally new way. This happened BECAUSE I had been doing these practices regularly for weeks. And it dawned on me just how powerful these ancient practices can be – if done with regularity.

It felt like I was a different kind of human.

Day 30 – I Felt Amazing

And I wasn’t ready to ejaculate.

Even though I had committed to 30 days and technically I COULD have ejaculated, I wanted to keep enjoying how I felt. 

I also wanted to get away from any internalized expectation around ejaculation, so I waited until my body felt like a full yes to having that experience. I waited, listened, and then my body was finally a yes on…

Day 32 – I ejaculated.

The 10 seconds of spastic pleasure were nice, but honestly they weren’t as pleasurable as the entire past month.

*Post-Ejaculation Note from Day 32 (I wrote this one hour after ejaculating):

After ejaculating I’m feeling a sense of ease, satisfaction and release in my body, mind and spirit. I can also tell that my ability to direct my creative energy into writing is not as refined as it was before… but that’s okay. I am a go go go person. It’s good for me to experience this release every once in a while. I can also tell that my energy isn’t going to drop as much as it would have back in my frequent ejaculation days.

To be clear, I do enjoy ejaculatory orgasms. They’re incredibly hot, fun, and there’s nothing like ejaculating inside your partner. But there’s also nothing like the experience of having sex and not ejaculating. Both are incredible. And, if you want to be able to  get into the realms of orgasm without ejaculation, check out my Orgasmic Mastery Course.

My Takeaways:

Before this 30-day period I ejaculated roughly every 7-10 days. Now because of this experience, my ejaculation frequency is going to change. Ejaculating once every 10-16 days feels more appropriate right now.

That’s the timeframe in which I experienced the most benefits of this practice.And that’s the timeframe that kept me away from most sexual dysfunctions, including the porn-induced erectile dysfunction I used to experience.

These 30 days changed my life. 

I HIGHLY recommend trying this at least once in your life. If 30 days seems like too much, just go for 7 days without ejaculating. Remember that most guys experience major benefits from semen retention after just 7 days.

Sign up for my 7-Day Semen Retention Challenge and try it yourself.



*Note – I originally wrote this article in 2018. I have since updated it in 2022 to include my new Orgasmic Mastery Course, Semen Retention Challenge, and the video below. Since writing this article I have gone 30 days without ejaculating many times, and I’ve found my ideal ejaculation frequency to be about once every 12 days.


The Benefits of Not Ejaculating for 30 Days – (Explained in-Depth)

In Closing…

Your sexual energy is POWERFUL, and when you build it and treat it with reverence and intention, your entire life will change.

If you need help, reach out to me, take one of my courses, and/or find a support group of some kind. If you’re part of a men’s group, try bringing these topics up at your next meeting. Also, sex therapists are great, but good ones can be tricky to find (if you ever find a sex therapist who understands semen retention, please connect us).

And there’s nothing like having down to earth conversations about this with your friends too. Try it. See what happens. The more we talk about men’s sexual health openly, the better the world becomes. Thanks for reading.

Cheers brother!


