Sexual Energy Integration Exercise
(Do one set of 10 once per day, and then do another set of 10 any time when you feel out of balance).
- Cup your genitals with moderate pressure.
- Breath in deeply while gliding your hands up your body to your heart.
- While you’re doing this, visualize energy moving up your body.
- ***(If you know kegels, squeeze your pelvic floor on the inhale, and release your pelvic floor on the exhale).
- Pause at the top of the breath for a second or two to feel…
- Exhale fully while making sound and shaking your body. This “shakes off” any excess energy that didn’t get integrated into your system.
- Repeat 9 more times, for a set of 10.
After you do this practice, tune into your “why” for doing this 7-day challenge. The more you focus on this, the more real it will become.
Talk to you soon.